My friend Lara introduced me to this veggie muffin idea which is a fantastic way to get people (especially little people) to eat their veggies without cramming spinach down their throats. I posted this link in one of my previous posts. After making this recipe several times now I found that there is room for improvement. I have reduced the sugar, eliminated the juices, and increased the spices so the muffins are reminicent of carrot cake. I thought I would give you my version for you to try!
I will tell you that the fruits and vegetables you can add are very versatile. I generally try and put at least one apple and one banana in to add sweetness and creaminess. The rest is up to you! Carrots and sweet potatoes work great for the veggies, as well as any leafy greens, cauliflower, squash, or any other vitamins you are looking to infuse into your diet (or that of your kids). You do not need to precook anything, but if they are already cooked, that works too!
Lastly, often times I will blend the fruits and veggies on a different day than I bake the muffins. Maybe I had a left-over smoothie, or simply the vegetables were starting to get old and I didn't have time for baking. Anyhow, I usually make a double batch of the produce puree so it is less work next time. You can simply freeze the puree and thaw when you want to use it. Here it is! I would love to hear comments about what you put in these magic little treats.
1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2) Grease mini muffin pans. This makes about 50 mini-muffins. (They may not cook all the way through if you use regular size muffins)
3) Mix ingredients in the order below (or really any order you want, these don't need to be very precise). The batter should be viscus but not pourable, use a spoon to put it in the muffin tins.
4) Bake for 35 minutes at 375 until the edges start to brown, the inside will still be moist.
5) Allow the muffins to cool on a cooling rack and enjoy!
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup all purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 salt
1/4 teaspoon (or a few sprinkles) nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon (or a few sprinkles) ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
4 tablespoons butter
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
about 2 1/2 cups blended fruits and vegetables
1/2 cup greek yogurt (of whatever fat content you usually eat)