When the chickens are being bad, I first try and have a logical talk with them. I explain why they should not jump on the hot tub and poop. I explain why we don't want them squawking at seven in the morning. I also talk to them about the importance of laying an egg everyday.
However, sometimes this doesn't work, and we have to resort to more drastic methods of discipline. This usually involves the hose.
However, sometimes this doesn't work, and we have to resort to more drastic methods of discipline. This usually involves the hose.

Before we built the chicken fence, Barbecue and Nugget loved to sit on top of our outdoor table like they were the kings of the castle. This meant when we went out for a nice summer meal on the the porch, we had to do some poop duty first. We discovered that the chickens hate being sprayed with water! They squawk and waddle away as fast at their little legs will take them until they find a suficient hiding spot or get out of the range of fire. Using this we trained them to stay of the furniture by spraying them with the hose. We also bought some awesome squirt guns that work as well.

We have barely had any rain this winter. Then Friday it dumped! I came home and found the chickens happy as can be, pecking around in the back yard like it was a sunny summer day. This baffles me because they can't stand it when I spray them with water, but they have no problem running around in the rain all day. They have a perfectly dry three story chicken coop! Crazy chickens.
By the way, it is the end of January and I have a dozen eggs in my fridge. The light on the timer is still working like a charm!! They are wildly enjoying a piece of stale bread in this picture.
By the way, it is the end of January and I have a dozen eggs in my fridge. The light on the timer is still working like a charm!! They are wildly enjoying a piece of stale bread in this picture.